Hell Hunt
Most social venue in old Tallinn with: draft Leffe, Belhaven, Kwak etc, but overcrowded since 7PM.
A 92 m del hotel
Pikk 39
Una guía para encontrar alojamientos fantásticos cerca de Schlössle Hotel - Small Luxury Hotels of the World
Most social venue in old Tallinn with: draft Leffe, Belhaven, Kwak etc, but overcrowded since 7PM.
A 92 m del hotel
Pikk 39
Heart of the Tallinn Old Town.
A 198 m del hotel
Raekoja plats
Excellent Jazz Club/restaurant... foie gras & cool tunes & fun, hipster crowd in the heart of the old town ... open until the early hours. My after hours regular now. http://www.clazz.ee/
A 232 m del hotel
Vana turg 2
Awesome service (seriously..these people are so cool!) and amazing food!! Two thumbs up :)
A 293 m del hotel
Uus 31
This embassy of pure food changes its menu according to the seasons and is a perfect place to try contemporary Estonian cuisine while making your body grateful. Ice cold cheese cakes are to die for!
A 308 m del hotel
Rataskaevu 8
Leffe blonde on draft...& extensive list of bottled Belgians!!! What more do u need in beer?! :)
A 342 m del hotel
Väike-Karja 8
Awarded as Best Vapiano restaurant in the World by Vapiano's own people in 2009. Having experienced 4 establishments in Europe myself, i vouch this to be true
A 0.6 km del hotel
Hobujaama 10